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Market Master        
  Order a Trial Market Master FREE Order  
  Upgrade Market Master Trial to Active Status ZAR 5400 Purchase  
Market Master Modules        
(Optional) Indicators ZAR 1150 Purchase  
  Optimiser ZAR 1150 Purchase  
  Data Manager ZAR 550 Purchase  
  Market Partner ZAR 1150 Purchase  
Additional Historic Databases        
(One included free with Program) ASE AUD 95 Purchase  
(Global Data Selection incl.) JSE ZAR 495 Purchase  
  UK GBP 50 Purchase  
  USA USD 65 Purchase  
  World Sector Indicies USD 50 Purchase  
Stock Exchange Data Subscriptions        
(Cost per month) ASE AUD 35 Subscribe  
(Global Data Selection incl.) JSE (post 12pm) ZAR 170 Subscribe  
  JSE (pre-midnight) ZAR 210 Subscribe  
  UK GBP 10 Subscribe  
  USA USD 10 Subscribe  
  World Sector Indicies USD 10 Subscribe  

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